This flat bread is made in something like a concrete mixer. Then they fling the finished product onto a pile like a Frisbee. You can see boys walking in the streets with 50 or more of these pizza-like breads on a plate. It's a staple of Iraqi diet. They use the remains to wipe their hands after the meal.
How to get chunky in a few days. Loaded with fat and grease and pretty tasty, these goodies are not overly sweet. There are a lot of different tastes and none of the pastry seems to be very light. The best bet is to buy a small boxful, have one and give the rest to your friends or coworkers. They disappear quickly.
These guys will kill the bird in front of you. Well it's fresh anyway and beats hauling a squawking turkey home under one arm. It's quite a sight to see them sneak up and grab the loose birds. They are experts at dispatching them quickly. Or, if you want less fun, you CAN buy one that is already dead and dressed out.
This is prime haggling territory. Candy vendors next to each other will start at the same price but will often low-ball each other if you can keep them apart. They will be here long after you leave so if they see you playing the game, they'll talk to each other and might not even sell you anything.
Costco it ain't. If you need anything in quantity, here's the place. Be particularly careful of buying items with a shelf life. It's likely come and gone. Popular items like soft drinks are usually no problem though.
On a cart, at a stand, or spread on carpets, you can find a lots of familiar fruit here - and some very unfamiliar ones. The vendor will weight the fruit and charge you accordingly. Beware of not washing the fruit first, and never buy open fruit or you could find yourself munching on something pretty nasty.
There are vegetables here too. See the "Fruit" write-up.
So many vendors that you'd think these things grew on trees here. Oh! They do?
There are little shops with all sorts of grains, spices, nuts and dried fruits in gunny sacks and various plastic bins. All of it has been well fondled by dirty hands and there are lots of flies and bugs. Stick to bagged goods in smaller quantities. This type of buying is strictly not recommended.
I know someone who bought honeycomb here and said it was great. The place is a sticky mess but is sure is neat to look at. And there are few insects around since they are all stuck in the honey!
All sorts of wacky spices. Here you should be able to find any sort of cooking spice you can imagine. Every time I came anywhere close to this place I'd sneeze. Go figure. If it has the same effect on everyone, I'd not buy the top layer!
Simply rhubarb:
It's just rhubarb!
Rhubarb and only rhubarb.
A big treat and very popular with the lack of refrigeration. The presentation of the prepared product is rather nice, but once you see them being prepared, the bloom is, er.. off the pickle.