The items on this page need little or no explanation.

The Sips

Diet Pepsi or Diet Coke or?

The Hotel Rules at the Ashti Hotel

Note the meticulously crafted grid of Phone / Room numbers

And the first "bellow" rule says you can order any food. What you actually get is a different matter!


Mint Anyone?

Actually, this Baghdad potty was full of MOTHBALLS. Stencharoo!

A Hot New Product from Turkey - Taxi Gum

MmmMmm! Now your mouth can smell as fresh as a cab driver's breath.

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Where to Buy a Heating/Cooling Unit in Iraq

Yup, this is the place. You can fill all your temperature control needs at this place! (There's no joke here. Move along please! Nothing to laugh at here...)

"Henna for all kind of Hair" or "With Egg for Out Hair"

Maybe the red pack is if you actually have hair and the orange pack is if you are bald. Maybe you use the orange one if you WANT to be bald. Who knows? One thing for sure. None of it will wind up in MY hair.

A Picnic Table Overlooking Sulaymaniya

Bring your own benches or chairs, I suppose.

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Dome Petroleum - Baghdad Division

Let's see. The house that Jack built went bankrupt in Canada in the mid-80's. Either nobody told them yet, or Mr. Gallagher is about to rise again.

The (6 Floor) Palace Hotel Elevator

"7th Floor, please" - Insert Psycho music here!

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A Goat Coat

It's made for a man, but it's made from a goat. Check out the shoulders. Yep, those are goat legs.

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