It's All Over

July 19 - 23

I've finally decided to put up the final chapter in this saga. This page and all it's detail started as a rather informal set of notes for my wife and family. Surprisingly enough I received mail from people I didn't even know who had received the URL from a friend. The pressure to become journalistic was immense. Whew! Well, it's over now and so is the trip to Iraq and while I am closing that chapter on my life, the experiences and the friends I made will remain with me and enrich my life.

A final meeting of the PMO team produced the following picture:

Left to right: Aso, Mme. Shadia, Twana, Vienne
Arya, Dr. Ari, Mr. Steve, Jamal

Taking home some small memento was a bit of a priority, so shortly before I left, I went to the local version of an antique store. Buying Iraqi antiques can be a risky business so I decided not to purchase anything. The newer stuff was typical brass trinkets and the older stuff looked like it might have come from one of the looted Baghdad museums. Better safe than sorry.

Still, the shop was interesting and crammed to the walls with all sorts of goodies. What would you pick to take home?

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One of the more interesting things was a couple of sets of pictures of local people. When I asked about them, I was told they were pictures of the "town idiots" many of whom were now dead. It seemed an odd way to remember these poor folks, but what the heck.

idiots1.jpg (186739 bytes)     idiots2.jpg (137689 bytes)

And another interesting item was the entire Koran, written in teeny-tiny print. You really had to see it to appreciate the countless hours that went into this labor of love.

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The Koran Under Glass

I said my final goodbyes to Sulaymaniya, early in the morning on July 21. Mr. Omar, the Logistics guy, and a driver escorted me in the usual Pathfinder, at the usual speeds, through the northern part of Kurdistan and I passed through the Turkish border with ease. I had to stay overnight in Dyerbaker, Turkey again, and caught the flight to Istanbul and on to Frankfurt the following day. After one last travel night in a Frankfurt Hotel, the final flights got me home around 5 PM on July 23.

The Iraq opportunity seems to have impacted my marketability, as well. I seem to be getting a lot more notice from prospective employers and I am not too proud to admit that they likely notice me first for my experiences in Iraq and secondly for my outstanding qualifications. Yet, it has helped get my foot in the door and there is no shortage of job offers right now.

Besides my memories, I brought home my beloved Chinese bulletproof vest and a couple of interesting Kurdish paintings. Mme. Shadia's husband gave me an amazing, one-of-a-kind map of the entire country, that he had created before the whole Iraqi mess began, and it's a keeper. I'll frame it and put it on the wall at some point. Heather has some jewelry and Genavieve has a typical Kurdish girl's fancy outfit, both from a previous trip. My last act before leaving AsiaCell was to send an E-mail to everyone in the organisation that read as follows:

From: Steve Greene
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 6:59 AM
To: To All
Subject: Farewell

Dear friends,

It is with some regret and a lot of good memories that I bid you goodbye today. I will always remember my time here and the friends who have shown me so much kindness. Things have changed a great deal since I arrived at the beginning of February. There are some new faces and many new challenges. I believe strongly in the people of this country and have always admired their will to succeed.

I am (as usual) not quite sure where my next job will be, but I have several interesting opportunities. Before making a choice, I intend to spend the next few weeks getting to know my family again, traveling to the west coast of Canada and doing a lot of fishing.

I wish you nothing but the best, my friends. You have enriched my life and I will share our stories with my family and friends for as long as I live. Please feel free to contact me at the following E-mail address: steve.greene if you are so inclined. Please be safe and happy, all of you. Remember that it is a very small world and "en sh'allah" we will meet again.

Until that happy time, my very best regards.


And I received a flood of E-mail back from various members of the staff. I am copying the best of them here, because it is as good a way as any to preserve them for posterity, and not to blow my own horn in any way. Besides, they are just so darn cute... I have removed some bits from a few of the letters to avoid any repercussions to any of the writers.

Subject: A Nice Person and a good administrator,too

Dear Mr.Greene,
It has been, no doubt, a great pleasure to have known you. Such a statement has the following facts to support it, strongly:
1.Gentle, kind, sympathetic, and understanding of other's problems.
2.A persistent feeling of making justice prevail.
3.A decision maker, when decision needs to be taken at the right time.
4.Helpful, when and where needed and could be offered.

During my half year dealings with your company the only time I felt that there is someone who really cares; genuinley, about the interest of his employer is you.You really knew the secret of proper fast decisions and how that reflects on the best interest of your Employer.
It is regrettable that you leave us, and I always feel that I had not done what I should and loved to do for you while in our home town.There is always some social obligations or another which hinders us from doing what we really like to do.
I am sure you have left behind many friends, who like wise dislike your departure, but I assure you that you stay in our minds and hearts.The key to this amicable personality of yours is your simplicity; the basic sign of true GREATNESS.

Best wishes for you and family; especially your lovely small daughter.

(Name withheld)

And this one...

Dear Mr. Green
We feel sad for your leaving , but happy to for your family cos they finally will see you again among them, thx for everything you did for us , we wish you a happy life and happy job also , our best greetings to your family , we always will remember your hardworking and your help for all of us and your sweet conversation with us. God bless you

We hope we can see u again
Fare well my friend

(Name withheld)

And one of my favorites:

I am really sorry for you departure and I feel that it is one of the hard times in my life to say goodbye but be sure I never say what I want to say is only good luck and I hope that we will keep in touch In Sha Allah.
You were very logical and nice manager in general and especially with me.
Any how these words were in my heart and I was very eager to pass them to you.

I just want you to have a look at the new designed database that I have developed.

See you In Sha Allah

And another...

Dear Steve,

In spite of the short time which gathered us with you (exactly same as the whole life which is very short), you added new challenge to our work, we always remember you, I hope that one your would by back shortly, we shall be in contact with you. I wish you all the happiness to you with your family.

Warm regards.

(Name withheld)

Dear Steve,
First of all, I am sorry I didn't say good bye yesterday because I didn't know your were leaving yesterday.

I hope you will arrive home safely and enjoy your time with your family because I am sure they were worried about you when you were in this unsafe and unstable country.

I admit that I spent a very nice work time with you however I couldn't invit for a drink for example.

I just wanted to say: thanks for all cooperation you have shown to me. I hope that you will spend a very happy time with your family. See you nest time.

Best wishes

(Name withheld)

P.S: Could you write me a referenc letter please? because I will be in need of it in future

I wrote the letter...

Dear Mr. Steve good time anywhere you are being.

I hope that you have passed your trip safely. Really all of us are remembering you very much. You can’t imagine how much your place is empty among us, yet it was a very short of time that we knew each other.

(Name withheld)

Mr. Greene truly such essence of yours is seldom. There are lots of positive thing in your personality that were directly reflected in your professionalism.

I just like to pass my grateful respect just to illustrate the kindness and competent that you have already provided to us.

Hope to hear best from you.

(Name withheld)

And this special one...

Good morning Mr. Greene

How are you, I am Name withheld from Department withheld depat. in Talary Kawa. I am sure you don’t know me because there wasn’t introduction between us but among all the other foreigners, when I saw you every morning I felt as I see my relatives. I am very sorry for your departure but hope you the best in the world and happy time with your family God willing.

Don’t forget people in Kurdistan.

My best wishes and regards.

And from another team member:

Thanks a lot for your kind reply, I am happy for you that you will get together with your family, I can feel it because I was a way from my family for sometimes.

Thanks for reminding all the minor things related to us, because you care about us and not everybody has such kindness. In fact it would be great, when you take a good rest and when you have spare time, to send me a recommendation in stead.
I have forwarded your email to all of my colleagues and we all wish you all the happiness. We shall be in contact "insha'allah'.
With my best personal regards.

(Name withheld)

Dear Mr. Steve,

I am so glad that you have gathered with your family again, nothing nicer in this world than once feels that he is between his really family the people who really love him without thinking of any kind of interest or benefit.

(some personal information removed)

My best regards to you and your family and hope to see you again.

(Name withheld)

The E-mail continued for some time after I returned home. This one was typical:

Dear Mr. Steve,

I hope you are well.

By now I expect that you have arrived home, safely, and re-joined your family.

How is your wife health and how is she prepared for making the surgical operation? I hope soon she will pass the difficult period and become healthy.

Mr. Steve you have really left a gap among us which can not be filled easily. No day passes without talking about you and mentioning your great way of managing things. This happens not only with me but with all the PMO team.

I have visited your site and found interesting update. I have to say that I have found your site very interesting.

Hoping all the best for you and your family.
Best wishes,

(Name withheld)

And this final example. God bless them all. I had tears in my eyes when I read through these a second time! I did not change a single thing in these letters except for what has already been noted.

Dear my brathor. Mr Steve

With my plusher I send for you my Email. For the 2-ed time. I hope you and you Family are good.

me and my friend we have very and kind regard for you and you nice family .I Hope one day you came Bake to sulaymanya to see you between us (enshallah)

See you soon .till that time wish for you nice day and good time with you family in nice country .Canada.

email me by that address .

With my best regard
You brother ….

What more can I say. I will miss all these nice folks, forever.

My thanks to Heather and Genavieve for putting up with me being away and for holding down the fort. Thanks to the friends and family who were there for her when she needed them. Finally, to those of you who wrote in support of me and those of you who prayed for my safety, my never-ending thanks. IT WORKED!


Backward to Part 2 Page 9 of the Saga
